Testing subpackage

This subpackage contains modules for helper classes in the SKA Low MCCS tests.

class TangoHarness(*args, **kwargs)

Abstract base class for Tango test harnesses.

This does very little, because it needs to support both harnesses that directly interact with Tango, and wrapper harnesses that add functionality to another harness.

The one really important thing it does do, is ensure that ska_low_mccs_common.device_proxy.MccsDeviceProxy uses this harness’s connection factory to make connections.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialise a new instance.

  • args (Any) – additional positional arguments

  • kwargs (Any) – additional keyword arguments

property connection_factory: Callable[[str], tango.DeviceProxy]

Establish connections to devices with this factory.


NotImplementedError – because this method is abstract

property fqdns: list[str]

Return FQDNs of devices in this harness.


NotImplementedError – because this method is abstract


Create and return a proxy to the device at the given FQDN.


fqdn (str) – FQDN of the device for which a proxy is required


NotImplementedError – because this method is abstract

Return type:
