Analysing PCAP files containing (simulated) SPS station data output

The sps-data-analyser tool can be used to extract metadata from PCAP files containing (simulated) SPS station data output.


The command-line tools are installed automatically when using Poetry, see Using Poetry.


$ sps-data-analyser --help
usage: sps-data-analyser [-h] [--png-output-file PNG_OUTPUT_FILE] file

Extracts and prints information from a PCAP file containing a SPS station data
SPEAD stream.

positional arguments:
  file                  Path to the PCAP file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --png-output-file PNG_OUTPUT_FILE, -o PNG_OUTPUT_FILE
                        When provided, creates .png graph, based on
                        channelized data and save it to the provided path

Sample output

$ sps-data-analyser ../pcap/LFAA_1sa_6stations_3ch_cof_10s.pcap
Data file ../pcap/LFAA_1sa_6stations_3ch_cof_10s.pcap
    has 73440 packets of size 8306 bytes
    simulating data from 6 stations
    for 3 channels with frequencies [311.71875, 312.5, 313.28125] MHz
    approximately 12 seconds representing 13.30 correlator dumps