Deploy the Ceph storage cluster

To (re-)deploy the Ceph cluster, run the following make commands:

make playbooks oci docker PLAYBOOKS_HOSTS=ceph
make playbooks ceph install PLAYBOOKS_HOSTS=ceph


The make playbooks ceph install command is known to fail when creating the OSDs on hosts other than the one it uses for bootstrapping the cluster.

In this case, re-running the command usually succeeds and the Ceph cluster should work fine afterwards.


The Ansible collection used to deploy Ceph uses cephadm under the hood. While it’s technically possible to operate the Ceph cluster manually from one of the nodes using cephadm, any changes made this way will not be persisted in case the cluster nodes are reprovisioned and Ceph is redeployed.

It is therefore not advisable to operate the Ceph cluster in this way. Use the Ansible collection to configure the Ceph cluster instead.