Version Numbering

Incrementing of version numbers should be done via the SKA Makefile commands, e.g. make bump-patch-release, after you have committed your changes. Use make help release to see the full set of available commands.

The Makefile in this repository uses the post-set-release hook to modify the appropriate VHDL file, using a script from Low CBF Firmware Common.


  1. Make your changes

  2. Commit the changes

  3. Run the appropriate ‘bump’ command, depending on the scope of the changes:

    • make bump-patch-release

    • make bump-minor-release

    • make bump-major-release

    You’ll see something like:

$ make bump-patch-release
set-release: 0.0.20
common/scripts/ "0.0.20" "boards/alveo/designs/vitisAccelCore/src/vhdl/version_pkg.vhd"
Got version 0.0.20
Modifying file boards/alveo/designs/vitisAccelCore/src/vhdl/version_pkg.vhd
=== Modified VHDL ===
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

PACKAGE version_pkg IS
    constant C_FIRMWARE_MAJOR_VERSION        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"0000";
    constant C_FIRMWARE_MINOR_VERSION        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"0000";
    constant C_FIRMWARE_PATCH_VERSION        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"0014";
end version_pkg;
=== End VHDL ===
  1. Commit these changes (you can probably use a command like git commit -am "JIRA-1234 Increment version")

  2. Push

TODO - Tagging a Release

There are Makefile targets for tagging releases too. I haven’t used them yet!

TODO: Update docs with an example when the time comes.