
Configuration Addition

This repository is available from the Central Artefact Repository ( CAR ), so the following needs to be executed from the repository that needs to use this library

  • npm config set @ska-telescope:registry

Update the CI/CD processor

As the library is in an SKAO location, the .gitlab-ci.yml should be amended to the following so that the Ci/CD build will complete

  • npm config set @ska-telescope:registry

  • yarn build ( npm can be used here as an alternative )

Required addition to package.json

As these are designed for use with React applications, the following needs to be run so that the library is added to the package.json

  • yarn add @ska-telescope/ska-javascript-components ( npm can be used as an alternative )

Addition into the JS/TS code

Implementation of the specific components vary and are detailed in later documentation, but the following format will need to be added at the top of each file where a component is to be used

  • import { ??????? } from “@ska-telescope/ska-javascript-components”;