The ODA REST API supports resources for SBDefinitions, SBInstances, ExecutionBlocks and Projects. Each resource supports a POST method to create a new entity, which will fetch a new identifier from SKUID. There are also GET and PUT method for a resource identifier to retrieve and update the entity, retrospectively. There is also a general end point which will support PUT for multiple resources as an atomic operation.

Additionally, there are custom Execution Block resources. For more context, see ODA Helper Module.

Once deployed, the API should be available at <HOST>/oda/api/<MAJOR_VERSION>/<RESOURCE> and the Swagger UI at <HOST>/api/<MAJOR_VERSION>/ui. The host depends on the environment that the server is deployed to, and may include a k8s namespace - see the README for more details. For example, to retrieve SBDefinition sbd-mvp01-20200325-00001 from the staging environment, the request would be

$ curl -iX GET -H -d  "<MAJOR_VERSION>/sbds/sbd-mvp01-20200325-00001"

The resource endpoints, with the accepted requests and expected responses, are documented below:


Store multiple entities

Stores the entities as an atomic operation.

Status Codes:
GET /sbds

Get SBDefinition filter by the query parameter

Retrieves the SBDefinitions which match the query parameters. Currently only a single query field is permitted, eg user, entity_id or created_on - extra parameters passed to the request will be ignored, with an order of precedence of user > created_on > modified_on. Also requests without parameters will return an error rather than returning all objects. This behaviour will change in the future..

Query Parameters:
  • user (string) –

  • match_type (string) –

  • created_before (string) –

  • created_after (string) –

  • last_modified_before (string) –

  • last_modified_after (string) –

  • entity_id (string) –

Status Codes:
POST /sbds

Create a new SBDefinition

Stores the SBDefinition in the underlying data store, with an identifier generated from SKUID

Status Codes:
GET /sbds/{sbd_id}

Get SBDefinition by identifier

Retrieves the SBDefinition with the given identifier from the underlying data store, if available

  • sbd_id (string) –

Status Codes:
PUT /sbds/{sbd_id}

Updates an SBDefinition by identifier

Updates the SBDefinition with the given identifier in the underlying data store, creating a new version. If the identifier does not exist in the data store, a not found error will be returned.

  • sbd_id (string) –

Status Codes:
GET /sbis

Get SBInstance filter by the query parameter

Retrieves the SBInstances which match the query parameters. Currently only a single query field is permitted, eg user, entity_id or created_on - extra parameters passed to the request will be ignored, with an order of precedence of user > created_on > modified_on. Also requests without parameters will return an error rather than returning all IDs. This behaviour will change in the future. Added pattern search support on scheduling block instance IDs.

Query Parameters:
  • user (string) –

  • match_type (string) –

  • created_before (string) –

  • created_after (string) –

  • last_modified_before (string) –

  • last_modified_after (string) –

  • entity_id (string) –

Status Codes:
POST /sbis

Create a new SBInstance

Stores the SBInstance in the underlying data store, with an identifier generated from SKUID

Status Codes:
GET /sbis/{sbi_id}

Get SBInstance by identifier

Retrieves the SBInstance with the given identifier from the underlying data store, if available

  • sbi_id (string) –

Status Codes:
PUT /sbis/{sbi_id}

Updates an SBInstance by identifier

Updates the SBDInstance with the given identifier in the underlying data store, mutating the existing first version. If the identifier does not exist in the data store, a not found error will be returned.

  • sbi_id (string) –

Status Codes:
GET /ebs

Get ExecutionBlock filter by the query parameter

Retrieves the ExecutionBlocks which match the query parameters. Currently only a single query field is permitted, eg user, entity_id or created_on - extra parameters passed to the request will be ignored, with an order of precedence of user > created_on > modified_on. Also requests without parameters will return an error rather than returning all IDs. This behaviour will change in the future. Added pattern search support on Execution block IDs.

Query Parameters:
  • user (string) –

  • match_type (string) –

  • created_before (string) –

  • created_after (string) –

  • last_modified_before (string) –

  • last_modified_after (string) –

  • entity_id (string) –

Status Codes:
POST /ebs

Create a new ExecutionBlock

Stores the ExecutionBlock in the underlying data store, with an identifier generated from SKUID

Status Codes:
GET /ebs/{eb_id}

Get ExecutionBlock by identifier

Retrieves the ExecutionBlock with the given identifier from the underlying data store, if available

  • eb_id (string) –

Status Codes:
PUT /ebs/{eb_id}

Updates an ExecutionBlock by identifier

Updates the ExecutionBlock with the given identifier in the underlying data store, mutating the existing first version. If the identifier does not exist in the data store, a not found error will be returned.

  • eb_id (string) –

Status Codes:
PATCH /ebs/{eb_id}/request_response

Add a record to the Execution Block

Adds the record of the function called on the telescope and its response to the Execution Block with the given eb_id. The purpose of this resource as opposed to the generic update of a whole entity is that user of the scripting functions can record these functions and the responses without having to know the internals of the ODA or the Execution Block data structure.

  • eb_id (string) –

Status Codes:
GET /prjs

Get Project filter by the query parameter

Retrieves the Projects which match the query parameters. Currently only a single query field is permitted, eg user, entity_id or created_on - extra parameters passed to the request will be ignored, with an order of precedence of user > created_on > modified_on. Also requests without parameters will return an error rather than returning all IDs. This behaviour will change in the future. added pattern search on project IDs.

Query Parameters:
  • user (string) –

  • match_type (string) –

  • created_before (string) –

  • created_after (string) –

  • last_modified_before (string) –

  • last_modified_after (string) –

  • entity_id (string) –

Status Codes:
POST /prjs

Create a new Project

Stores the Project in the underlying data store, with an identifier generated from SKUID

Status Codes:
GET /prjs/{prj_id}

Get Project by identifier

Retrieves the Project with the given identifier from the underlying data store, if available

  • prj_id (string) –

Status Codes:
PUT /prjs/{prj_id}

Updates an Project by identifier

Updates the Project with the given identifier in the underlying data store, creating a new version. If the identifier does not exist in the data store, a not found error will be returned.

  • prj_id (string) –

Status Codes:
GET /prsls/{prsl_id}

Get Proposal by identifier

Retrieves the Proposal with the given identifier from the underlying data store, if available

  • prsl_id (string) – Unique identifier for the proposal. Values should be alphanumeric and in SKUID format for Proposal IDs.

Status Codes:
PUT /prsls/{prsl_id}

Updates an Proposal by identifier

Updates the Proposal with the given identifier in the underlying data store, creating a new version. If the identifier does not exist in the data store, a not found error will be returned.

  • prsl_id (string) – Unique identifier for the proposal. Values should be alphanumeric and in SKUID format for Proposal IDs.

Status Codes:
GET /prsls

Get Proposal filter by the query parameter

Retrieves the Proposal which match the query parameters. Currently only a single query field is permitted, eg user, entity_id or created_on - extra parameters passed to the request will be ignored, with an order of precedence of user > created_on > modified_on. Also requests without parameters will return an error rather than returning all IDs. This behaviour will change in the future. added pattern search on propsal IDs.

Query Parameters:
  • user (string) –

  • match_type (string) –

  • created_before (string) –

  • created_after (string) –

  • last_modified_before (string) –

  • last_modified_after (string) –

  • entity_id (string) –

Status Codes:
POST /prsls

Create a new Proposal

Stores the Proposal in the underlying data store, with an identifier generated from SKUID

Status Codes: