Controller Component Manager

class ska_csp_lmc_common.manager.CSPControllerComponentManager(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: CSPBaseComponentManager

Component Manager for the Csp Controller.

__init__(op_state_model: ControllerOpStateModel, health_model: ControllerHealthModel, properties: ComponentManagerConfiguration, update_device_property_cbk: Callable, communication_state_changed_callback: Callable[[ska_control_model.CommunicationStatus], None] | None = None, component_state_changed_callback: Callable[[dict[str, Any]], None] | None = None, logger: Logger | None = None) None

The Component Manager for the CSP Controller device.

  • op_state_model – The Operational State Model to evaluate the CSP Controller device state

  • health_model – The Health State Model to evaluate the CSP Controller health state.

  • properties – A class instance whose properties are the CSP Controller device properties.

  • update_device_property_cbk – The CSP Controller method invoked to update the properties. Defaults to None.

  • logger – The device or python logger if default is None.

_controller_factory(logger: Logger) ControllerComponentFactory

Configure the Factory to create the sub-systems components.

This class is specialized in Mid.CSP and Low.CSP.


logger – the logger for this instance.


A factory object to create CSP Controller sub-systems observing components.

_add_subsystem_components() None

Instantiate a Python class for each CSP sub-system component.

Each sub-system component works as an adapter and cache for the associated CSP sub-system. The sub-system component reports the information about one CSP subordinate device and provides the methods or calls to operate on the associate sub-system TANGO device.

On failure, the state and health state of the CSP Controller is forced to FAULT/FAILED.

_populate_subsystems_list(argin: List[str]) List[Component]

Populate a list with the Csp Subsystems components that the controller has to operate on. If argin is an empty list, the CSP Controller operates on all the online Subsystems. If any fqdn is invalid return an empty list.


argin – List of fqdn of controller’s subsystems to operate

Return argout:

List of components to operate on

_on(task_name: str, argin: List[Component], task_callback: Callable | None = None, task_abort_event: Event | None = None) None

Method submitted into thread executor for on command

  • task_name – the name of the task

  • argin – list with FQDNs of the CSP Sub-systems Controllers to operate on. If the list is empty operated on all of them.

  • command_id – unique task identifier

  • task_callback – method called to update the task result related attributes

  • task_abort_event – flag to signal an abort request pending

_off(task_name, argin: List[Component], task_callback: Callable | None = None, task_abort_event: Event | None = None) None

Method submitted into thread executor for off command

  • task_name – the name of the task

  • argin – list with FQDNs of the CSP Sub-systems Controllers to operate on. If the list is empty operated on all of them.

  • command_id – unique task identifier

  • task_callback – method called to update the task result related attributes

  • task_abort_event – flag to signal an abort request pending

_standby(task_name: str, argin: List[Component], task_callback: Callable | None = None, task_abort_event: Event | None = None) None

Method submitted into thread executor for standby command

  • task_name – the name of the task

  • argin – list with FQDNs of the CSP Sub-systems Controllers to operate on. If the list is empty operated on all of them.

  • command_id – unique task identifier

  • task_callback – method called to update the task result related attributes

  • task_abort_event – flag to signal an abort request pending

init() None

Method to initialize the Controller ComponentManager. Instantiate:

  • the command factory

  • the Component factory

  • the event manager

  • a Component object for each CSP sub-system defined in the CSP Subarray Device Properties.

start_communicating() None

Method to start the monitoring of the CSP subordinate devices, It is invoked when the adminMode of the device is ONLINE or MAINTENANCE.

Establish the connection with the CSP subordinate sub-systems Controller devices and with the CSP Subarrays. On success, the main sub-systems attributes are subscribed for events.


Method invoked when the CSP subarray is set OFFLINE. CSP Controller stop monitoring the subordinate sub-systems. Events on attributes are un-subscribed and proxies with sub-system devices are invalidated.

TODO: Consider to maintain the proxy and subscription points active

blocking only the aggregation and reporting of the events to the CSP device. In DISABLE state the main operations are prohibited and only ‘emergency’ actions could be allowed.

on(argin: List[Component], task_callback: Callable[[], None] | None = None) Tuple[ska_control_model.TaskStatus, str]

Turn the CSP on. This operation is done powering on one sub-system after the other in an ordered way.

  • argin – list with FQDNs of the CSP Sub-systems Controllers to operate on. If the list is empty operated on all of them.

  • task_callback – method called to update the task result related attributes


a tuple with TaskStatus and an informative message.

off(argin: List[Component], task_callback: Callable[[], None] | None = None) Tuple[ska_control_model.TaskStatus, str]

Turn the CSP off.

  • argin – list with FQDNs of the CSP Sub-systems Controllers to operate on. If the list is empty operated on all of them.

  • task_callback – method called to update the task result related attributes


a tuple with TaskStatus and an informative message.

standby(argin: List[Component], task_callback: Callable[[], None] | None = None) Tuple[ska_control_model.TaskStatus, str]

Send the component to low-power mode. This operation is done on one sub-system after the other in an ordered way.

  • argin

    list with FQDNs of the CSP Sub-systems Controllers to operate on. If the list is empty operated on all of them.

    CSP Sub-system controllers are put in low-power mode, while the subarrays are switched off (observations not available in low power mode)

  • task_callback – method called to update the task result related attributes


a tuple with TaskStatus and an informative message.

get_cbf_simulation_mode() bool

Get the Cbf Simulation Mode attribute.


Cbf Simulation mode flag.

set_cbf_simulation_mode(value) None

Set the CBF Simulation Mode of the device.


value – desired Simulation Mode of the device.