

Component and connector diagram of the prototype implementation.

Execution Control:

  • The SDP Master Tango Device is intended to provide the top-level control of SDP services. The present implementation does very little, apart from executing internal state transitions in response to Tango commands. As shown in the diagram, it does not yet have a connection to the Configuration Database.

  • The SDP Subarray Tango Devices control the processing associated with SKA Subarrays. When a Processing Block is submitted to SDP through one of the devices, it is added to the Configuration Database. During the execution of the Processing Block, the device publishes the status of the Processing Block through its attributes.

  • The Processing Controller controls the execution of Processing Blocks. It detects them by monitoring the Configuration Database. To execute a Processing Block, it requests the deployment of the corresponding Workflow by creating an entry in the Configuration Database.

  • The Configuration Database is the central store of configuration information in the SDP. It is the means by which the components communicate with each other.


  • The Helm Deployer is the service that the Platform uses to respond to deployment requests in the Configuration Database. It makes deployments by installing Helm charts (a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources) into a Kubernetes cluster.

  • Kubernetes is the underlying mechanism for making dynamic deployments of Workflows and Execution Engines.

Processing Block Deployment:

  • A Workflow controls the execution of a Processing Block (in the architecture it is called the Processing Block Controller). Workflows connect to the Configuration Database to retrieve the parameters defined in the Processing Block and to request the deployment of Execution Engines.

  • Execution Engines are the means by which Workflows process the data. They typically enable distributed execution of processing functions, although Workflows may use a single process as a serial Execution Engine.