
imaging_qa is a command line app written using RASCIL. It uses the python package PyBDSF to find sources in an image and check with the original inputs. Currently it features the following:

  • Reads FITS images.

  • Finds sources above a certain threshold and outputs the catalogue (in CSV, FITS and skycomponents format). For multi-frequency images, the source detection can be performed on the central channel or average over all channels.

  • Produces image statistics and diagnostic plots including: running mean plots of the residual, restored, background and sources and a histogram with fitted Gaussian and power spectrum of the residual are also plotted.

  • Optional: Read in the sensitivity image and apply a primary beam correction to the fluxes.

  • Optional: Estimate the spectral index by reading in frequency moment images (in FITS format) containing higher order Taylor terms.

  • Optional: compares with input source catalogue : takes hdf5 and txt format. The source input should has columns of “RA(deg), Dec(deg), FluxI(Jy), FluxQ(Jy), FluxU(Jy), FluxV(Jy), Ref. Freq.(Hz), Spectral Index”.

  • Optional: plot the comparison and error of positions and fluxes for input and output source catalogue.


The following runs the a data set from the RASCIL test:

# Run this in the directory containing both the
# restored and residual fits files:
python $RASCIL/rascil/apps/ \
--ingest_fitsname_restored test-imaging-pipeline-dask_continuum_imaging_restored.fits \
--ingest_fitsname_residual test-imaging-pipeline-dask_continuum_imaging_residual.fits

If a source check is required:

# This example deals with the multi-frequency image
python $RASCIL/rascil/apps/ \
--ingest_fitsname_restored test-imaging-pipeline-dask_continuum_imaging_restored_cube.fits \
--check_source True --plot_source True \
 --input_source_filename test-imaging-pipeline-dask_continuum_imaging_components.hdf

If primary beam correction is required:

# This example deals with the multi-frequency image
python $RASCIL/rascil/apps/ \
--ingest_fitsname_restored test-imaging-pipeline-dask_continuum_imaging_restored_cube.fits \
--check_source True --plot_source True --apply_primary True\
--ingest_fitsname_residual test-imaging-pipeline-dask_continuum_imaging_sensitivity.fits \
--input_source_filename test-imaging-pipeline-dask_continuum_imaging_components.hdf

Supplying arguments from a file:

You can also load arguments into the app from a file.

Example arguments file, called args.txt:


Make sure each line contains one argument, there is an equal sign between arg and its value, and that there aren’t any trailing white spaces in the lines.

Then run the imaging_qa code as follows:

python @args.txt

Specifying the @ sign in front of the file name will let the code know that you want to ready the arguments from a file instead of directly from the command line.

What happens when the image files, the argument file, and the imaging_qa code are not all in the same directory? Let’s take the following directory structure as an example:

- rascil # this is the root directory of the RASCIL git repository
    - rascil
        - apps
        - my_data

With such a setup, the best way to run the imaging_qa code is from the top-level rascil directory (the git root directory). Your args.txt file will need to contain either the relative or absolute path to your FITS files. E.g.:


And you need to provide similarily the relative or absolute path both to the args file and the code you are running:

python rascil/apps/ @rascil/args.txt

Docker image

A Docker image is available at which can be run with either Docker or Singularity. Instructions can be found at

under Running the imaging_qa section.

Output plots

A list of plots are generated to analyze the image as well as comparing the input and output source catelogues.

Plots for restored image:

..._restored_plot.png  # Running mean of restored image
..._sources_plot.png  # Running mean of the sources
..._background_plot.png  # Running mean of background
..._restored_power_spectrum.png # Power spectrum of restored image

Plots for residual image:

..._residual_hist.png  # Histogram and Gaussian fit of residual image
..._residual_power_spectrum.png  # Power spectrum of residual image

Plots for position matching:

..._position_value.png  # RA, Dec values of input and output sources
..._position_error.png  # RA, Dec error (output-input)
..._position_distance.png # RA, Dec error with respect to distance from the centre

Plots for wide field accuracy:

..._position_quiver.png  # Quiver plot of the movement of source positions
..._gaussian_beam_position.png  # Gaussian fitted beam sizes for output sources

Plots for flux matching:

..._flux_value.png  # Values of output flux vs. input flux of sources
..._flux_ratio.png  # Ratio of flux out/flux in
..._flux_histogram.png  # Histogram of flux comparison
..._flux_position.png # Flux vs. RA and Dec of the sources

Plots for spectral index:

..._spec_index.png # Spectral index of input vs output fluxes over frequency.
..._spec_index_diagnostics_dist.png # Spectral index out/in vs. distance to centre
..._spec_index_diagnostics_flux.png # Spectral index out/in vs. input sources flux

Command line arguments

RASCIL continuum imaging checker

usage: [-h]
                          [--ingest_fitsname_restored INGEST_FITSNAME_RESTORED]
                          [--ingest_fitsname_residual INGEST_FITSNAME_RESIDUAL]
                          [--ingest_fitsname_sensitivity INGEST_FITSNAME_SENSITIVITY]
                          [--ingest_fitsname_moment INGEST_FITSNAME_MOMENT]
                          [--finder_beam_maj FINDER_BEAM_MAJ]
                          [--finder_beam_min FINDER_BEAM_MIN]
                          [--finder_beam_pos_angle FINDER_BEAM_POS_ANGLE]
                          [--finder_thresh_isl FINDER_THRESH_ISL]
                          [--finder_thresh_pix FINDER_THRESH_PIX]
                          [--finder_multichan_option FINDER_MULTICHAN_OPTION]
                          [--perform_diagnostics PERFORM_DIAGNOSTICS]
                          [--apply_primary APPLY_PRIMARY]
                          [--use_frequency_moment USE_FREQUENCY_MOMENT]
                          [--telescope_model TELESCOPE_MODEL]
                          [--check_source CHECK_SOURCE]
                          [--plot_source PLOT_SOURCE]
                          [--input_source_filename INPUT_SOURCE_FILENAME]
                          [--match_sep MATCH_SEP] [--flux_limit FLUX_LIMIT]
                          [--trim_image TRIM_IMAGE] [--trim_box TRIM_BOX]
                          [--quiet_bdsf QUIET_BDSF]
                          [--source_file SOURCE_FILE]
                          [--rascil_source_file RASCIL_SOURCE_FILE]
                          [--logfile LOGFILE]
                          [--savefits_rmsim SAVEFITS_RMSIM]
                          [--restart RESTART] [--use_dask USE_DASK]
                          [--dask_scheduler DASK_SCHEDULER]
                          [--dask_memory DASK_MEMORY]
                          [--dask_nworkers DASK_NWORKERS]
                          [--dask_nthreads DASK_NTHREADS]

Named Arguments


FITS file of the restored image to be read


FITS file of the residual image to be read


FITS file of the sensitivity image to be read


FITS file of the frequency moment images to be read (Note: Use the prefix of the fits files, e.g. if the restored image is test_image_restored.fits here should input test_image)


Major axis of the restoring beam (degrees) (usually not needed, passed in restored image)

Default: 1.0


Minor axis of the restoring beam (degrees) (usually not needed, passed in restored image)

Default: 1.0


Positioning angle of the restoring beam (degrees) (usually not needed, passed in restored image)

Default: 0.0


Threshold to determine the size of the islands used in BDSF (Blob Detector and Source Finder)

Default: 5.0


Threshold to detect source (peak value) used in BDSF

Default: 10.0


For multi-channel images, what mode to perform source detection on (single or average)

Default: “single”


Whether to perform diagnostics of the images (restored and residual)

Default: “False”


Whether to divide by primary beam after BDSF to correct source flux

Default: “False”


Whether to use frequency moment images after BDSF to correct spectral index

Default: “False”


The telescope to generate primary beam correction

Default: “MID”


Option to check with original input source catalogue

Default: “False”


Option to plot position and flux errors for source catalogue

Default: “False”


If use external source file, the file name of source file


Maximum separation in radians for the source matching

Default: 1e-05


Minimum flux where comparison plots are generated

Default: 0.001


For spectral index calculation, do we trim the image to avoid the edge effects?

Default: “False”


If trim_image is true, proportion of the box that is trimmed (default is 3%)

Default: 0.03


If True, suppress bdsf.process_image() text output to screen. Output is still sent to the log file.

Default: “False”


Name of output source file


Name of output RASCIL components hdf file


Name of output log file


This parameter is a Boolean (default is False). If True, save background rms image as a FITS file.

Default: “False”


If true, surpass BDSF when the output already exists. The checker will start from reading the BDSF csv file

Default: “False”


Default: “True”


Externally defined Dask scheduler e.g. or ssh for SSHCluster or existing for current scheduler


Memory per Dask worker (GB), e.g. 5GB (None means Dask will choose)


Number of workers (None means Dask will choose)


Number of threads in each Dask worker (None means Dask will choose)