Deploy Nexus for the Central Artefact Repository

Deploy Nexus OSS edition for the Central Artefact Repository on AWS.


This repo deploys Nexus OSS edition using an adpated version of The changes are found in the ./resources directory, and are used to overwrite the freshly checked out roles held in the ./collections directory.

To use this repository:

$ git clone
$ cd deploy-nexus
$ make reinstall # installs the necessary roles and collections in `./collections`

Edit the ssh.config and ./inventory_nexus files appropriate to your target host. and then create a ./PrivateRules.mak file containing the passwords for the Nexus user accounts admin,gitlab, publisher and quarantiner, as well as the webhook url and secret key as follows:

EXTRA_VARS = vault_nexus_admin_password='...' vault_nexus_user_password_gitlab='...' vault_nexus_user_password_publisher='...' vault_nexus_ldap_conn_passwd='...' vault_nexus_email_server_password='...' vault_nexus_user_password_quarantiner='...' nexus_webhook_url='...' nexus_webhook_secret_key='...'

Then build using:

$ make nexus


The basic deployment consists of:

  • a role (common) that sets basic host configuration

  • the system-common-roles docker role that installs a standard Docker daemon footprint

  • The modified Nexus role from

This sets up and deploys Nexus, which is then frontended with HAProxy runnning in a docker container. HAProxy does the URI and port mapping necessary to expose Nexus and the Docker repository.

The nexus3-oss role is patched by the files found in the ./resources directory.

Production site

The production Nexus instance for the Central Artefact Repository is hosted at This is integrated with SKAO LDAP based authentication for administration access - all other service accounts are maintained as local users.


The complete configuration for the deployment is contained in nexus.yml.


As this repo relies on a modified upstream version of, the differences are maintained as a patch file in the ./resources directory. The patch can be maintained by checking out upstream with:

$ make update-patch

This creates the checked out code in ./nexus3-oss, and applies the (uncommited) current version of the patch. Edit the repository as required (without commiting the changes), and regenerate the patch file with:

$ make make-patch

This will update the path in ./resources. To activate these new changes, the ./collections directory needs to be regenerated with:

$ make reinstall
$ make patch

make help

Run make to get the help:

$ make
make targets:
Makefile:build_nexus           Install nexus
Makefile:help                  show this help.
Makefile:install               Install dependent ansible collections
Makefile:lint                  Lint check playbook
Makefile:reinstall             reinstall collections
Makefile:vars                  List Variables

make vars (+defaults):
Makefile:COLLECTIONS_PATHS     ./collections
Makefile:COLLECTIONS_VERSION   v2.4.14
Makefile:EXTRA_VARS            vault_nexus_admin_password='whatwhat' vault_nexus_user_password_gitlab='whatwhat' vault_nexus_user_password_publisher='whatwhat'
Makefile:INVENTORY_FILE        ./inventory_nexus
Makefile:NODES                 localhost
Makefile:PRIVATE_VARS          ./nexus_vars.yml