GitLab Configuration

The SKA Software team have adopted the GitLab social coding platform as the main Git repository manager for its CI/CD tools.

The following describes how to access the service, and how to set up the basic working environment to integrate with GitLab for the SKA.

Use institutional email

Create a GitLab account using your institutional email address at If you already have an account on GitLab, you should have your institutional email added to your profile. You can do this at and clicking the Add new email button.

It is recommended that 2FA (two-factor authentication) is enabled. There are a variety of OTP (One Time Pin) applications available for mobile phones with instructions available:

Set up SSH key

To enable git+ssh based authentication for clients, associate your ssh-key to your user at (

SKA Observatory

SKA Observatory can be found on GitLab at

Send a request in the System Team Support Center at to link your account to the SKA Gitlab group.

Code Snippets

You can share code snippets (code blocks) within the SKA Observatory using the ska-snippets repository, and also you can always share code snippets with the project members using project level snippets (If they are enabled)