Hosting an OCI image on the Central Artefact Repository

As part of our goal to align all developmental efforts to one standard, we have documented a procedure of how we would like all the SKA developers to version tag their OCI images and what process to follow in ensuring that they are able to make use of the existing Gitlab CI/CD pipeline to automate the building of OCI images, for now, and have them published on the SKA OCI registry which is hosted on Central Artefact Repository.

Tagging the OCI image

To explicitly tag an OCI image run the following command:

$ docker tag <source_image><repository_name>/<image_name>:<tag_name>

This command will create an alias by the name of the <image_name> that refers to the <source_image>.

Note that naming and tagging conventions are outlined in the containerisation standards. And those should follow the same semantic versioning used for the repository.

Uploading the OCI image to the Central Artefact Repository

Once the OCI image has been built and tagged, it can then be uploaded to the Central Artefact Repository registry by executing the following command:

$ docker push<repository_name>/<image_name>:<tag_name>