.. _registry: https://artefact.skao.int/#browse/search/docker =========================================================== Hosting an OCI image on the *Central Artefact Repository* =========================================================== As part of our goal to align all developmental efforts to one standard, we have documented a procedure of how we would like all the *SKA* developers to version tag their OCI images and what process to follow in ensuring that they are able to make use of the existing Gitlab CI/CD pipeline to automate the building of OCI images, for now, and have them published on the *SKA* OCI registry_ which is hosted on *Central Artefact Repository*. Tagging the OCI image ------------------------ To explicitly tag an OCI image run the following command: .. code:: bash $ docker tag artefact.skao.int//: This command will create an alias by the name of the :code:`` that refers to the :code:``. **Note that naming and tagging conventions are outlined in the containerisation standards. And those should follow the same semantic versioning used for the repository.** Uploading the OCI image to the *Central Artefact Repository* --------------------------------------------------------------- Once the OCI image has been built and tagged, it can then be uploaded to the *Central Artefact Repository* registry by executing the following command: .. code:: bash $ docker push artefact.skao.int//: