.. _gitlab-variables: *********************** GitLab Global Variables *********************** This section describes the global variables that are presently being used as part of the GitLab CI/CD infrastructure. You can directly use these variables in `$VARIABLE` format in your CI/CD pipelines. Passwords are masked and not visible on the pipeline outputs. Please refrain from writing them in plain-text format. Variables Interface =================== The variables are set under the `CI/CD Settings `_ on GitLab. .. _figure-1-gitlab-variables: .. figure:: ../images/gitlab-variables.png :scale: 55% :alt: GitLab Variables :align: center :figclass: figborder The variables interface on GitLab Variables Description ===================== .. csv-table:: GitLab ska-telescope Group Variables :header: "Key", "Description" :widths: auto ``CAR_OCI_REGISTRY_HOST``, "Is the FQDN of the Central Artefact Repository - artefact.skao.int" ``CAR_OCI_REGISTRY_USERNAME``, "OCI Image Publishing user name" ``CAR_OCI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD``, "OCI Publishing user password" ``CAR_PYPI_REPOSITORY_URL``, "Python Package Artefact Repository URL - https://artefact.skao.int/repository/pypi-internal/" ``CAR_PYPI_USERNAME``, "PyPi Publishing user name" ``CAR_PYPI_PASSWORD``, "PyPi user password" ``CAR_HELM_REPOSITORY_URL``, "Helm Artefact Repository URL - https://artefact.skao.int/repository/helm-internal" ``CAR_HELM_USERNAME``, "Helm Chart Publishing user name" ``CAR_HELM_PASSWORD``, "Helm Chart Publishing user password" ``CAR_ANSIBLE_REPOSITORY_URL``, "Ansible Collections Repository URL - https://artefact.skao.int/repository/ansible-internal" ``CAR_ANSIBLE_USERNAME``, "Ansible role/collection Publishing user name" ``CAR_ANSIBLE_PASSWORD``, "Ansible role/collection Publishing user password" ``CAR_RAW_REPOSITORY_URL``, "Raw Artefact Repository URL - https://artefact.skao.int/repository/raw-internal" ``CAR_RAW_USERNAME``, "Raw Repository Publishing user name" ``CAR_RAW_PASSWORD``, "Raw Repository Publishing user password" ``CAR_CONAN_REPOSITORY_URL``, "Conan Artefact Repository URL - https://artefact.skao.int/repository/conan-internal" ``CAR_CONAN_USERNAME``, "Conan Repository Publishing user name" ``CAR_CONAN_PASSWORD``, "Conan Repository Publishing user password" ``JIRA_AUTH``, "JIRA Authentication token for uploading XRAY Test Results" ``SKA_K8S_TOOLS_BUILD_DEPLOY``, "Latest OCI image for build and test jobs- artefact.skao.int/ska-cicd-k8s-tools-build-deploy:x.x.x" ``SKA_K8S_TOOLS_BUILD_DEPLOY_ALPINE``, "Latest OCI image for build and test jobs (Alpine based) - artefact.skao.int/ska-cicd-k8s-tools-build-deploy-alpine:x.x.x" ``SKA_PYTHON_PYTANGO_BUILDER_IMAGE``, "Latest OCI image for Python lint and test jobs - artefact.skao.int/ska-tango-images-pytango-builder:x.x.x" ``JIRA_URL``, "SKA Jira URL" ``JIRA_USERNAME``, "Jira Automation Account Username" ``JIRA_PASSWORD``, "Jira Automation Account Password" ``SLACK_RELEASE_CHANNEL``, "Slack channel id used for release notification message"